Why it is important to dress up?

Under normal circumstances, I spend a lot of free time outdoors. Now, my garden has become my much-needed connection to the natural world.

Before the confinement I went three times a week to my yoga class in Antwerp. For the moment I am following my yoga classes online via Facebook or webinars.

In my studio I am working with my hands which feels good. When you really concentrate on something, you’re able to let your mind unwind and disconnect; it’s the most therapeutic thing and it feels especially grounding to turn to something natural and slow-paced at the moment.

I make the effort to get dressed up every day, as I find it helps set a boundary between work-time and me-time. Besides this, it is good to get dressed up and to be mindful on what you are wearing and take time to pick out a nice jewel to complete your looks.

As for the other new discoveries that have been lifting my spirits while social distancing, the list is long: reading books which was just on my bedside table with 10 other books that I didn’t have time to open – it’s teaching me a lot about wellbeing and how to be more gentle with myself, drawing, going through my archive, spending more time with my kids, And I’m trying out new recipes.

Stay healthy & stay safe

See you soon!

May, 2020